Visio 2003 - Snap&Glue Dialog Box


Evelyn Reichel

Hi everybody!

I'm implementing a c# application with the visio drawing control. In
my application I want to open the snap&glue dialog box (from the tools
menu) through a menu item. I didn't find an appropriate viswintype in
the visio 2003 sdk documentation.

Is this possible at all? Please help me out.

Many thanks.

Paul Herber

Hi everybody!

I'm implementing a c# application with the visio drawing control. In
my application I want to open the snap&glue dialog box (from the tools
menu) through a menu item. I didn't find an appropriate viswintype in
the visio 2003 sdk documentation.

Is this possible at all? Please help me out.

Many thanks.


John Goldsmith

Hello Evelyn,

You could try the DoCmd method of the Application object:

Application.DoCmd (visCmdOptionsSnapGlueSetup)

....and you'll just have to handle the error if the OK or Canel buttons are
clicked with no changes made.

Best regards


John Goldsmith

Evelyn Eckhart-Reichel

Hello Evelyn,

You could try the DoCmd method of the Application object:

Application.DoCmd (visCmdOptionsSnapGlueSetup)

...and you'll just have to handle the error if the OK or Canel buttons are
clicked with no changes made.

Best regards



thanks both of you for the fast reply. Now I know where the error
comes from. thanks again

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