Visio 2007 Shape Data Missing After Reopening Saved Document


Ginie F

dI am using Visio 2007 and importing External Data from Excel. I drag each
row onto the appropriate shape and I can see all the data on the Shape Data
view. Everything looks great, all rows are linked to the appropriate shape
and I save the document and close VISIO. When I reopen VISIO, the data on
the Shape Data view only shows a few of the data elements, not all the rows
of data for the particular shape. In looking at the External Data table, all
the links are still in place, but for some reason, the data won't completely
populate on the Shape Data view. HELP!!!

Al Edlund

The shape data window is limited to (about) 20 items. If the external data
has more elements you might want to open the shapesheet to check the custom
properties there.

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