Visio internal error: # 2131: Action 1002: open



The following message displays:

Visio internal error: # 2131: Action 1002: open
First try closing and reopening the file. Next try restarting Visio.

This message displays when I try to open a file created on someone else's
computer that has the same version of Visio.

The suggested action makes no difference.

I have since tried it on a couple of other people's laptops and they
encounter the same error message.

Yet I can open it OK on the laptop where the file was created.

Anyone have any insights for me please?


Did you find a resolution for the internal error #2131: Action 1002: I am
getting error message as well and can't find a fix. Any help would be

Dieter Sternberg

My little collection of Visio error explanations says about

"Visio internal error: # 2131: Action 1002: open":

"When a shapesheet has been created/modified in a version of
windows/Visio where the decimal separator or the list separator are

So your computer and the other peoples laptops may have different locale

Hope that helps

Paul Herber

My little collection of Visio error explanations says about

"Visio internal error: # 2131: Action 1002: open":

"When a shapesheet has been created/modified in a version of
windows/Visio where the decimal separator or the list separator are

So your computer and the other peoples laptops may have different locale

I thought this sort of thing would be handled by the Universal
versions of all the cell formulae.

Dieter Sternberg

Paul said:
I thought this sort of thing would be handled by the Universal
versions of all the cell formulae.


basically I was referring to an earlier post of yours
Well, looking closer to the text there's a different action id involved.
Action 1283 vs Action 1002
So this tip may be misleading here. Sorry for that. Was just a thought.
I remember vaquely that we have been running into this problem when
using RGB formulas - and not using FormulaU with them.


Paul Herber


basically I was referring to an earlier post of yours
Well, looking closer to the text there's a different action id involved.
Action 1283 vs Action 1002
So this tip may be misleading here. Sorry for that. Was just a thought.
I remember vaquely that we have been running into this problem when
using RGB formulas - and not using FormulaU with them.

Might be worth trying to set the Windows decimal separator to '.'
(assuming you are using the normal German ',' separator).
Or email the file to me and I'll see if I can open it with the English
version of Visio and English language settings.


Dieter Sternberg

Paul said:
Might be worth trying to set the Windows decimal separator to '.'
(assuming you are using the normal German ',' separator).
Or email the file to me and I'll see if I can open it with the English
version of Visio and English language settings.

I'am not quite sure, who's addressed by this post :)
stephanie has had the initial problem. I just wanted to help.
The problem with RGB formulas has been solved by using FormulaU within
our addin.


Paul Herber

I'am not quite sure, who's addressed by this post :)
stephanie has had the initial problem. I just wanted to help.
The problem with RGB formulas has been solved by using FormulaU within
our addin.

Hi Dieter,
I was addressing the OP but I don't have the original post any more. I
wonder whether the OP will be back. Most don't return.
But, yes, it could be that a cell.formula has been set to contain a
formula amd maybe the FormulaU is set the same.
Apr 29, 2013
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Simular Error

I am receiving something really close to this, on a Java Applet that exports Visio 2003 VDX format I get a 2142 error with 1002 can not open. Any thoughts?

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