Visio to HTML "ROBUST"



The Save As HTML feature of Visio 2003 provides really nice and
functional results. However, I need some more features in the resulting
HTML file. Is it possible to write VBA code or shapesheet formulas to
add other Visio features to the webpage such as smart tags (mouseover,
sceentips etc.) and hyperlinks to the html file? If so please point me
to some examples, recommend a good reference.


Chris [Visio MVP]

I've experimented with this.

It's mostly a matter of digging through the output that Visio creates and
modifying it yourself. Visio creates lots of output files: images, html,
vml, javascript and xml files. Understanding it isn't really easy, but it's

I created a couple of pages of VBA code that automatically exported a
drawing, and then made a floating "mouse-over-popup" that displayed custom
properties. It did this by inserting some javascript into the resulting
output, or by throwing most of the Visio-created files away and making a
custom html file that utilized the Visio image map. I can't remember
exactly. It was pretty rought, just a proof of concept.


Thanks Chris, it does help to know its possible.
By chance can you recommend a book for developing VBA for Visio?

John Marshall, MVP



Thanks John. Yes, Graham Wideman's book is great it realy helped me in
creating a dynamic connector different "smart" end shapes on it as well
as several other problems I had. He recommends the DVS as well, I
guess thats the route I need to take.

Thanks again and have a good holiday.

John Marshall, MVP

DVS was the original documentation for advanced use that came with Visio.
For a while there was no printed version, but it was available as an Acrobat
file. For the current version of Visio, Visio 2003, there is no Acrobat file
and the book is a seperate purchase. The current version of the book,
"Developing Micrsoft Visio Solutions" book was written for Visio 2002 and
was not rewritten for Visio 2003.

John... Visio MVP

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