Visual Basic Editor opens automatically after lock, unlock



(ms excel 2003) If I have a particular workbook open which contains macros
and If I happen to walk away and the computer locks... upon unlock the vba
editor pops up automatically. This particular workbook didnt do this until I
added some lines of code that unprotected one of the sheets so the macro
could write to it and once it was finished it protected the sheet again.

Activesheet.Unprotect ("My_Password")
Activesheet.Protect Password:="My_Password"


You probably protected the wrong sheet and you are getting an error som
place in th code or you added a break point in the code. You sholdn'
be seening the VBA editor unless you have an error. Do the following

1) Check all your worksheets/cells to see which are protected and whic
aren't protected. Go to the menu to protect a sheet. If it say
protect , then it it not protected. If it say Unprotect, then it i

2) Change your code to specify the shet you want to protect by name
not active sheet.

Activesheet.Unprotect ("My_Password")
Activesheet.Protect Password:="My_Password"

Sheets("Sheet1").Unprotect ("My_Password")
Sheets("Sheet1").Protect Password:="My_Password"

3) Change you error trapping to trap on all errors

VBA menu

Tools - Options - General - Error Trapping - Stop on All Errors

Errors often cause macro to stop.

4) Remove all "On Error Resume Next" and other error statements. Agai
Errors often cause macros to sto

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