Visualização da localização de um documento em relação ao disco

  • Thread starter Sónia Ferreira
  • Start date

Sónia Ferreira

Gostaria que o documento word que gravasse mostrasse a localização do mesmo
no disco. Do género c:\pastas\documentos_trabalho\doc1 para aparecer no final
do documento e depois na impressão. Será possível? Como? O que activar?

Peter Jamieson

Insert a { FILENAME \p } field. In Windows word you can use ctrl-F9 to
insert the special { }, then type FILENAME \p between the { }. Then
select the field and press F9 to update it.

If you need the pathname at the end of the document, put the field at
the end of the body text. If you mean "in the document footer", put it
in the document footer.

I use to try to understand your question.
Perhaps you can use the same if you need to translate from English to

Peter Jamieson

Sónia Ferreira

Hello, Peter

Thanks for your help. It worked.
I would like to ask you if there's a way of doing it automaticaly in all
documents. Like activating any function....

"Peter Jamieson" escreveu:

Peter Jamieson

If you mean in all /new/ documents, then you should put the field in the
position you need in a Word template and create your documents from that.

If you mean all existing documents (or, say, all the documents in a
particular folder) you would really need some VBA, perhaps starting with
something like

Peter Jamieson

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