VLookup against one of two columns



I have a spreadsheet which allows a sales rep to enter a part number and
have the price column populated - normal vlookup works fine for this.

However, the lookup table contains 2 part numbers (ours and a competitors)
and I want them to be able to enter either of those codes and have the price

Col A Col B
Enter code: Price
123 OR xyz £1.99

Lookup table is:

Code Code2 Price

I'm not sure whether i should be using Match, Index or VLookup for this, so
any help much appreciated.


I'd stick with vlookup, but allow for the possibility that the lookup into
the first column may fail and should then trigger a lookup into the second
(You could replace the first vlookup w/ match(a2,Sheet2!a:a,false), but it's
six of one...)
Also realize that if the product numbers between you and the competitor ever
overlap, you've got trouble.

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