want to add website to e-mail for group newsletter




I run a small non-profit company where i send out periodic e-mails to a
group list. I've recently gotten more elaborate with my e-mails...delving
into html and such.

I also have a company website where many images, html, and other files are
stored and displayed. I want to archive my newsletter e-mails in my website
directory and add the website newsletter to outgoing group e-mails but i
don't know how.

initially i thought creating html e-mails would suffice but to make the
newsletters effective i need to add lots of graphics, etc. which would so
overload any recipients in box.

so what i mentioned above (and i think it can be done with outlook) is that
i add a website url to the e-mail so that when the e-mail is opened they get
an excellently designed...image centric newsletter that is derived from the
company website...which won't bog down the e-mail inboxs...and will be
dynamic enough for my group list.

let me know what u think and if u have any suggestions or ideas

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