waterfall chart



I want to create waterfall chart, where the x axis is time scale. and Y axis
is % reduction of defects due to different improvment programs. there are
approximately 50 improvement programs. and the time spread for implementation
of those is approximately 2 yrs. I want to track it in waterfall way so that
as time progresses I can see improvement by a program. the data is sorted
with implementation date in asending order and looks like
program name % improvement time line for implementation.
A 3 4th Jan
B 0.34 6th Feb
C 1.03 24th
march 2010 etc..
I will start the chart with say 60% defects. and gradually reach to 2% by
implementaion of each program. so each colum will be having height equal to %
improvement. the length of bar is also a problem since the division on time
scale is not consistent so the chart looks like having breaks in continuty.
since in week there will be 2 prorams implementing and for next 4 weeks there
wont be any.I would like to see start point of 2nd(B) program mathcing with
end of 1st program (A) so I can see waterfall chart and see it with time
scale as well as intiative name.

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