Web Login, Table1


Vikram Dhemare

I am trying the code to downlaod the web table from a password protected
site by using Mr. Joel's code. But when the programme reaches to
Set Mytables = IE.document.getelementsbytagname("table")
Set History = Mytables(1)
it gives an error "Object doesn't support this type of property.
When I tried
Set Mytables = IE.document.getelementsbyID("table")
Set History = Mytables(1)
then it gives the message "Permission Denied". How do I find the Table
There are many Tables in the Web Page. I want only a particular table to be
retrieve after every 5 - 10 minutes.
Also, if the Web page is active,then it should not reopen the new link i.e.
to skip the set IE process.
Atually what happens, if the Web page is Idle for some time, then it gets
logged out automatically. Only at this moment the macro should pass the "Log
In" process.
Can anybody help me out to resolve this issue.


I'm on line. How can I help? Can you post a URL?

Usually I dump some of the properties onto a worksheet to solve these
problems. Arrays like Table start at zero.

with sheets("sheet1")
RowCount = 1
for each itm in ie.document.all
.range("A" & RowCount) = itm.tagname
.range("B" & RowCount) = itm.classname
.range("C" & RowCount) = itm.id
.range("D" & RowCount) = left(itm.tagname,1024)
Rowcount = Rowcount + 1
next itm
end with


yOu need to start looking at the source window in the IE explorer going to
menu View - source.

IN HTML tags are object startng and ending with angle brackets like this

<Table ............................................... /table>

or sometine without the tag name at the end

<Table ............................................... />

ID actually have the word "ID" like this

</td><td id="msviGlobalToolbarGradient2"

"td" is a tag and the id is "msviGlobalToolbarGradient2"

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