WebBrowser Control Question



Hi all, I got a "gif" image in "My Picture" folder in which texts are
flying around as its bit flashy image. I wanted to put this image on
excel sheet and found the sultion to put WebBrowser Control on sheet
and then Navigate it to that "gif" image. Its working fine now but i
want that image to be exact size of the WebBrowser Control as at the
moment i have to resize the WebBrowser to that image size and also i
got scrolling bit showing in WebBrowser Control which I dont want. So
how can I remove scrolling from WebBrowser Control and make "gif"
image to be exact size of WebBrowser and also dont want to see
Borderline around WebBrowser Control . Please can any firend know how
can i do this or reffer to me where i can find my answer. Or any way
to put "Flashy" or "Gif" image on the excel sheet.

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