What does merge:L= means??? thank you.



What does merge:L= means??? thank you.

FileOpenEx name:="C:\Export.csv", ReadOnly:=False, Merge:=1,
FormatID:="MSProject.CSV", map:="Export Short Map"

Jack Dahlgren MVP

Merge means that it is going to merge with the open file based on some key.
The statement reads "merge = 1" (the number one), not letter L.
The number is the value of the pjMerge constant. Here are the different

pjdonotmerge = 0
pjmerge = 1
pjprompt = 2
pjappend = 3

You can use the constants as well if you like. It may make your code more


Rod Gill

That should be merge:=1 ?

Read help. For csv files merge is not relevant as you specify merge in the
map along with a merge field if you are merging.


Rod Gill
Microsoft MVP for Project

Author of the only book on Project VBA, see:

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