what is the limit of addresses can be imported into contact list.



I tried to import 339 address from the Microsoft Access file to a contact
folder in Outlook, but it would allow me to imort only 230 entries and then
comes up with error saying "an error occurred while importing or exporting
and the import/export was terminated. MAPI error 08X0070057 was reported.
Please try to import/export again later." I have tried several times and on
different days, but no luck. Can anyone help?

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

either there is a limit or you have a corrupted record - can you split the
db and import the remaining 109 separately?

Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
Coauthor, OneNote 2003 for Windows (Visual QuickStart Guide)
Author, Google and Other Search Engines (Visual QuickStart Guide)

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