What is wrong with my code?



in the BeforeUpdate event I have the following:


this calls the following

Public Function SetUpCtl_Before(frm As Form)
With frm
FldName = .ActiveControl.Name
fldVal = .ActiveControl.OldValue
End With
Call AuditLogBefore(FldName, fldVal)
End Function
When I try to change anything in the field that has the function I get the
following Error Message:
"The expression beforeupdate you entered as the event property setting
produced the following error: the object does not contain the automation
object 'Me.'"
I do not know what is the wrong with my code?
Please help

John Smith

'Me' is only valid in VBA code. If you have SetUpCtl_Before(Me) as the
property of an event rather than in code attached to an event then you need to
use instead:


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