What's wrong with the VBA?



Hi Brother,

In the form 'PLCX',there is a combobox "combo71" where I can select
different values(eg: A,B,C)

and there is a Command_Click in the form 'PLCX', which stands for a VBA as

Dim QY As String

QY = Me.Combo71

Select Case QY

Case QY = "A"

DoCmd.OpenQuery "DLRQ", acNormal, acEdit

Case QY = "B"
End Select

When I key "A" in the combo71 and run this VBA,I can open the Query
"DLRQ",however,it does just display 0 records .Actually,it should list where
the field [QY] in the query "DLRQ" is equal to the "combo71" in the form
"PLCX" .

So,what's wrong with the VBA?

If I want to open this query and only show me the list where the [QY] in the
table is equal to the "combo71" in the form "PLCX" .

How should I write this VBA?



try this in the criteria of the query


then put your 'DoCmd.OpenQuery "DLRQ", acNormal, acEdit' in the On_Click
event sub

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