Why signature below test on this forum



Now, thanks to this forum, when I reply to friends e mails, my reply and my
signature below that reply, shoot above received text.

Except in this forum!

When I click, respond to newsgroup, my signature is below any previous text
and I have to cursor up to the top

OS 10.4.7
Office 2004

Diane Ross

Now, thanks to this forum, when I reply to friends e mails, my reply and my
signature below that reply, shoot above received text.

Except in this forum!

When I click, respond to newsgroup, my signature is below any previous text
and I have to cursor up to the top

See directions here under News Attribution:


My personal opinion is that top posting to threads can lead to problems.
This is best explained by this example:

Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
Why is top posting frowned upon?

Top posting IMHO is best left to personal mail. However, if a user has
started top posting, I usually follow form and top post also. What gets
confusing is when there are both types of posting in a thread. Following the
conversation can become confusing when this happens.

Suggested setting: Leave Entourage set to default setting. Use script by
Paul Berkowitz "Reply Insertion Reversed". (Script ID: 301)
<http://scriptbuilders.net/> Now you can easily toggle between reply on top
or below quoted text. Assign a shortcut to the script for even easier use.

Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
Entourage Help Page
The Entourage Blog lists the EHP as one of the top five Microsoft Entourage


See directions here under News Attribution:


My personal opinion is that top posting to threads can lead to problems.
This is best explained by this example:

Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.

Top posting IMHO is best left to personal mail. However, if a user has
started top posting, I usually follow form and top post also. What gets
confusing is when there are both types of posting in a thread. Following the
conversation can become confusing when this happens.

Suggested setting: Leave Entourage set to default setting. Use script by
Paul Berkowitz "Reply Insertion Reversed". (Script ID: 301)
<http://scriptbuilders.net/> Now you can easily toggle between reply on top
or below quoted text. Assign a shortcut to the script for even easier use.
Ok Diane: let me get this straight. In newsgroups like this, my replies to
your help should be at bottom as I'm doing right now?
I've always thought people helping me want to see my last comment on top. I
think one guy even said, "oh, if it's not on top, I can't be bothered..."
But if you say, keep my new comments here at bottom, I'll go with that.

OS 10.4.7
Office 2004

Paul Berkowitz

Ok Diane: let me get this straight. In newsgroups like this, my replies to
your help should be at bottom as I'm doing right now?
I've always thought people helping me want to see my last comment on top. I
think one guy even said, "oh, if it's not on top, I can't be bothered..."
But if you say, keep my new comments here at bottom, I'll go with that.

You can do either. But if you now bottom post, you should also edit the
quoted text. The easy way to do that is to select just the bit you want to
quote before replying - all the earlier quotes are available to everyone in
the same thread (especially easy if you Sort by some variety of Subject).

The reason for bottom-posting is to avoid unnecessarily making big messages
- which used to be important (and still is for those still) on dial-up. It's
less important now, but still increases the size of the mail folder and

You're right that scrolling through ever-increasing messages to the bottom
is a pain. IMO, best is to edit strongly with new replies inline or at
bottom. Next best (if you won't edit) is top-posting. And, as Dane says - be
consistent with what earlier responders have done before you: the worst of
all is jumping around from top to bottom and back.

Paul Berkowitz
MVP MacOffice
Entourage FAQ Page: <http://www.entourage.mvps.org/faq/index.html>
AppleScripts for Entourage: <http://macscripter.net/scriptbuilders/>

Please "Reply To Newsgroup" to reply to this message. Emails will be

PLEASE always state which version of Microsoft Office you are using -
**2004**, X or 2001. It's often impossible to answer your questions


Ok Paul, then I'm staying with Top posting, but here is issue now. My
preference setting is set to top post, working great in personal e mails but
not here. Here is a screenshot:



You can do either. But if you now bottom post, you should also edit the
quoted text. The easy way to do that is to select just the bit you want to
quote before replying - all the earlier quotes are available to everyone in
the same thread (especially easy if you Sort by some variety of Subject).

The reason for bottom-posting is to avoid unnecessarily making big messages
- which used to be important (and still is for those still) on dial-up. It's
less important now, but still increases the size of the mail folder and

You're right that scrolling through ever-increasing messages to the bottom
is a pain. IMO, best is to edit strongly with new replies inline or at
bottom. Next best (if you won't edit) is top-posting. And, as Dane says - be
consistent with what earlier responders have done before you: the worst of
all is jumping around from top to bottom and back.

OS 10.4.7
Office 2004

Diane Ross

Ok Paul, then I'm staying with Top posting, but here is issue now. My
preference setting is set to top post, working great in personal e mails but
not here. Here is a screenshot:


Go back and look at the screen shots here:

The setting you have does not work in newsgroups.

Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
Entourage Help Page
The Entourage Blog lists the EHP as one of the top five Microsoft Entourage

Paul Berkowitz

You just did the worst of all - you top-posted on a thread where everyone
(including you) had previously bottom-posted, making everyone jump around,
and making it impossible for me to reply again in any satisfactory manner.
So I'm not sure what the "OK" part meant...

What is so hard in selecting just a relevant bit of the previous message and
replying (below) to that?

Paul Berkowitz
MVP MacOffice
Entourage FAQ Page: <http://www.entourage.mvps.org/faq/index.html>
AppleScripts for Entourage: <http://macscripter.net/scriptbuilders/>

Please "Reply To Newsgroup" to reply to this message. Emails will be

PLEASE always state which version of Microsoft Office you are using -
**2004**, X or 2001. It's often impossible to answer your questions


You just did the worst of all - you top-posted on a thread where everyone
(including you) had previously bottom-posted, making everyone jump around,
and making it impossible for me to reply again in any satisfactory manner.
So I'm not sure what the "OK" part meant...

What is so hard in selecting just a relevant bit of the previous message and
replying (below) to that?
That answers it for me again. Staying then with bottom posting. Easier than

OS 10.4.7
Office 2004

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