Word 2003 / VSTO / Customise Keyboard


Rob Stewart

Is it possible to assign shortcut keys in Word to code
that was developed in C# via Visual Studio Tools for

Going through Customise-->Keyboard allows shortcut keys to
be assigned to any VBA macro, but (understandably) C#
functions do not appear in the list.

I've tried assigning them in code via the C#
ThisDocument_Open() event using KeyBindings, but to no
avail (the code runs, but the keyboard remains

Any pointers?


Cindy Meister -WordMVP-

Hi Rob,

I believe you need to either:
- place the VBA code in the VSTO document/template
- create the VBA code in the user's Normal.dot
- place the VBA code in a global addin template
- create a global COM Addin
Is it possible to assign shortcut keys in Word to code
that was developed in C# via Visual Studio Tools for

Going through Customise-->Keyboard allows shortcut keys to
be assigned to any VBA macro, but (understandably) C#
functions do not appear in the list.

I've tried assigning them in code via the C#
ThisDocument_Open() event using KeyBindings, but to no
avail (the code runs, but the keyboard remains

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jan
24 2003)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow
question or reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

Rob Stewart

Thanks Cindy, but I don't think that's quite what I meant.
I don't want to use VBA code for the shortcuts. I have
already converted the VBA to C#. How can I assign a
shortcut key to the C# code? The Word UI doesn't seem to
allow it - all it allows is assigning to VBA code, and I
haven't had any luck doing it programmatically using
KeyBindings (see original post).


Rob Stewart

Thanks Cindy, but I don't think that's quite what I meant.
I don't want to use VBA code for the shortcuts. I have
already converted the VBA to C#. How can I assign a
shortcut key to the C# code? The Word UI doesn't seem to
allow it - all it allows is assigning to VBA code, and I
haven't had any luck doing it programmatically using
KeyBindings (see original post).


Cindy Meister -WordMVP-

Hi Rob,

I knew what you meant, and what you want. But I don't think
you can do it (in this version of VSTO). I was listing what
is possible with keyboard shortcuts.

As I recall from discussions during VSTO beta, I think you
need something called a "callback", and if I understood
correctly, this means you have to have some VBA code in the
Word environment, somewhere. Here's an example (for Excel,
but same principle):
Here's an example for you that illustrates with the OnKey...

1. Create a new workbook and put the following code in a

Dim managedObject As Object

Public Sub RegisterCallback(callback As Object)
Set managedObject = callback
Application.OnKey "^m", "DoManagedCallBack"
End Sub

Public Sub DoManagedCallBack()
End Sub

2. Then, create a new Excel project based on the existing
workbook you created.

3. Add the following code to the project:

Private Sub ThisWorkbook_Open() Handles ThisWorkbook.Open
ThisApplication.Run("RegisterCallback", Me)
End Sub

Public Sub HandleCtrlM()
End Sub

4. Press F5 to run; when you press Ctrl+m in Excel, the
DoManagedCallBack routine in the assembly is run.

So, what's happening here is that a) you call a macro in the
workbook to pass it a reference to the assembly's class, b)
the macro stores the reference to the object, c) you set up
OnKey to call a macro in the workbook, and d) when the
"OnKey" routine fires, it will use the stored reference to
the object to call a public method (HandleCtrlM in this
example) in the assembly code. Of course, for this to work,
the VBA security settings must allow the VBA code in the
workbook to run.

But you may want to ask for more details in the
vsnet.vstools.office newsgroup, where an occasional person
from MSFT drops by :)
Thanks Cindy, but I don't think that's quite what I meant.
I don't want to use VBA code for the shortcuts. I have
already converted the VBA to C#. How can I assign a
shortcut key to the C# code? The Word UI doesn't seem to
allow it - all it allows is assigning to VBA code, and I
haven't had any luck doing it programmatically using
KeyBindings (see original post).

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Sep
30 2003)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow
question or reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

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