Word - Restrict formatting - Cannot add numbering and bullets


Kenny Bones

Hi, I was wondering if anyone here's got any experience in limiting
formatting styles in a Word Template? This is Word 2003 I'm talking about btw.

I've been trying to select "Limit formatting to a selection of styles" and
clicking "Settings..."

Here I've tried to select only my own styles, but when I go enforce the
permissions, I suddenly cannot add numbers and bullets to the style. This
happens regardness if I make sure the checkbox containing "Allow AutoFormat
to override formatting restrictions"

Any ideas? What's the most common thing to do when creating templates?
Is it normal to restrict everything so that users cannot change a single

Stefan Blom


Kenny Bones

Stefan Blom said:
Set up numbers and bullets via paragraph styles before restricting the
document; be sure to allow the use of those styles.

Ok, so what does this mean? I have created my own styles which I use
throughout the template. I want to restrict these to they cannot be changed
or altered in any way. But at the same time, allow them to be numbered and

I can see that there's a style called "List Paragraph", is this the one
you're talking about? What am I supposed to do with it? Just to mention, I've
already allowed my custom styles to be used. They show up in the styles
chooser in Word. But they numbering and bullets still are grayed out.

Stefan Blom

What I'm saying is that, in a restricted document, you cannot apply numbers
or bullets as direct formatting. Instead this kind of formatting must be
applied via styles.

The List Paragraph style is not the answer, but List Number and List Bullet
might be (unless you prefer to create your own numbered/bulleted styles).

Did you read the linked articles?

Kenny Bones

Ok, so you're saying that if I restrict the document to only my own styles
and the recommended minimum, I cannot apply lists and bullets after the
restriction is set?

But the whole point of restricting a portion of text in a document is to
make sure the user don't screw up the layout and choose the wrong style for
that section.
But still allowing the user to add a bulleted list or numbered list if he
want to.

You mean that I need to create a separate style which HAS bullets or
numbering set? That would mean that the count of styles will multiply. Won't
that cause problems as well?

Yes, I did read the articles and have read them before. But the articles
speak nothing of restriction of documents and how to work around those

Stefan Blom

Kenny Bones said:
Ok, so you're saying that if I restrict the document to only my own styles
and the recommended minimum, I cannot apply lists and bullets after the
restriction is set?

Yes, at least you cannot do it the way you are used to. :)
But the whole point of restricting a portion of text in a document is to
make sure the user don't screw up the layout and choose the wrong style
that section.
But still allowing the user to add a bulleted list or numbered list if he
want to.

You mean that I need to create a separate style which HAS bullets or
numbering set? That would mean that the count of styles will multiply.
Won't that cause problems as well?

Yes, you'll need a specific style with bullet formatting and a specific
style with number formatting, and/or up to nine paragraph styles if you want
outline numbering.

Applying numbering by clicking the Number button on the toolbar is *direct
formatting* similar to applying line spacing by selecting text changing the
line spacing in the Paragraph dialog box. It is never a good idea, if you
want control over your numbering.

Since Word 97, it has been recommended to use paragraph styles with numbered
and bulleted lists in Word. It is the safe approach.
Yes, I did read the articles and have read them before. But the articles
speak nothing of restriction of documents and how to work around those

That is true, but they do give you the basics of numbering/bulleting in

Stefan Blom

Further clarification: When you restrict formatting, not only do you prevent
people from using the styles of their choice; you also prevent them from
using direct formatting (including direct numbering/bullet formatting).

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