Word shouldn't change your document fomat without your consent

  • Thread starter IrritatedWithMicrosoft
  • Start date


Word should not change your document format without your consent and then not
allow you to change it back. It is very irritating to be working on a
document and then have Word think it knows better than you. The time I waste
trying to fix what Word tries to "help" me with is absurd. The old versions
of Word that did nothing to help you were much better because then at least
you didn't have some program wasting your time. When I'm working on a
document, I want to be able to work, not be screaming at the computer and
trying to figure what happened to my format. This is a serious problem that
I, and every other Microsoft user I know, has encountered and finds
unacceptable. This household is strongly considering changing over to Linux
because of the countless problems we have found with Microsoft.

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