Wrong time zone in EST Entourage 2008 allversions (from what I can tell)



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: Exchange

I have been following these threads for a while now. I have had the same problem as many of you since I bought Office 2008. I have worked with my support group, trying countless things. There are many hits on Google that speak to this exact issue. I believe it is high time that MS steps up to the plate and admits that there is a problem and fixes it.

I have read Diane Ross' previous responses and I have the ultimate respect for her. She has bailed me out 2 or 3 times. However, I have to respectfully disagree with her on this. Her explanation is very valid, but it doesn't apply. We can't all be wrong, type this issue into the forum or into Google and the shear number of hits has to mean something. How can this not be an issue?
The thought of going back to my Vista & Office 2007 machine depresses me. I bought a Macbook Air for a reason.

Do you agree? or am I being unreasonable.

Michael Bloom

This still not fixed! I don't understand what we have to do to get MS to fix this. I have deleted, re-installed and replaced everything possible. Please help. 12.1.4 did not fix the problem


Michael said:
This still not fixed! I don't understand what we have to do to get MS to fix this. I have deleted, re-installed and replaced everything possible. Please help. 12.1.4 did not fix the problem

There are many issues in 2008 that haven't been fixed. I'm not sure
about your issue but mine and many others has to do with sync. It
doesn't work properly. That is, basically its broken. In 11 months
Microsoft hasn't fixed it. My experience with them is they are very
unresponsive. I've talked to them many times and I almost wonder, with
their attitude to our problems, if they are thinking of getting out of
the Mac business. Some of the problems are just too serious not to be
fixed. There is a known issue to Microsoft around rebuild and they
certainly know about the sync issue. You're right though - don't think
you're alone or there aren't issues. Just jump to Markspace's forum,
MacWorld's or Macfixit's etc and you'll see tons of issues around
Ent08. My issues are primarily related to sync and hopefully I don't
have to do a rebuild as it completely breaks the identity and Ent
won't start after the rebuild. Thank God for backups. You'll also see
many long time Entourage users have moved off Ent to the Apple apps,
reverted to 04 (not a great option) or are trying out alternative
products. Some, like me, stupidly probably, just keep kicking Ent 08
to keep it running. Ah well... I don't know what happened to Microsoft
as they did build great products (used them since 1984)

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