XIRR in Access Form



Is it possible to calculate XIRR in Access using the results from a subform?
Specifically, I have a database with cashflow information related to
different investments and these cashflows show up on a subform within the
database. I would like to be able to present the users with the IRR of these
cashflows and related dates. Is this possible? I am not deeply skilled in



Thanks for the reply. Sorry for the delay in responding, but this project
took the back burner for a while. Can you tell me how to the "output to
Excel" process works or point me to an article that explains how this is
done. Sounds like this could be a solution to my problem. Thanks.

Damon Heron

How about this in Access?
Check help file for IRR. Here is their example:
Dim Guess, Fmt, RetRate, Msg
Static Values(5) As Double ' Set up array.
Guess = .1 ' Guess starts at 10 percent.
Fmt = "#0.00" ' Define percentage format.
Values(0) = -70000 ' Business start-up costs.
' Positive cash flows reflecting income for four successive years.
Values(1) = 22000 : Values(2) = 25000
Values(3) = 28000 : Values(4) = 31000
RetRate = IRR(Values(), Guess) * 100 ' Calculate internal rate.
Msg = "The internal rate of return for these five cash flows is "
Msg = Msg & Format(RetRate, Fmt) & " percent."
MsgBox Msg ' Display internal return rate.
to see it work just put it as the code on a click event for a cmd button.

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