Entourage doesn't like my password



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: Exchange

Ever since 12.1.3 entourage has randomly decided that my password to Exchange is no longer valid. I've checked it several times, changed it, cleared the keychain entry and the problem keeps coming back. Please don't tell me I'm typing it incorrectly or there's a problem with the keychain. There isn't.

The password works for some parts of my exchange account but not all parts. Currently entourage will not let me access my calendar. Thanks entourage. I've even tried deleting my entire database microsoft user data file directory and starting over. I was delighted for a little while, I thought Entourage had finally thought my password was good enough. But i was wrong. After 2 hours of syncing up, Entourage again decided my password was no longer any good and decided to disconnect me from my calendar. Thanks Entourage.

Someone please, fix this problem! Entourage is currently useless to me and many other users at my company. All of us experiencing this problem have updated to 12.1.3 and/or 12.1.4. Something clearly broke in the update from Microsoft and only a fix from Microsoft will fix this problem.

Thanks in advance,

Corentin Cras-Méneur

Ever since 12.1.3 entourage has randomly decided that my password to
Exchange is no longer valid. I've checked it several times, changed it,
cleared the keychain entry and the problem keeps coming back. Please
don't tell me I'm typing it incorrectly or there's a problem with the
keychain. There isn't.

Quit Entourage, open the Keychain Access application from
/Applications/Utilities and look for the Exchange password in the lsit.
Delete it and relaunch Entourage. Hopefully it will let you re-save the
password in the keychain and the issue will be gone.

While you are in Keychain access, use the Keychain first aid command to
repair your keychain. It never hurts.



Quit Entourage, open the Keychain Access application from
/Applications/Utilities and look for the Exchange password in the lsit.
Delete it and relaunch Entourage. Hopefully it will let you re-save the
password in the keychain and the issue will be gone.

While you are in Keychain access, use the Keychain first aid command to
repair your keychain. It never hurts.

I've already tried these steps. Many times, it doesn't fix it. It also doesn't fix it for the many other people here at my company. Any other ideas?


Corentin Cras-Méneur

I've already tried these steps. Many times, it doesn't fix it. It also
doesn't fix it for the many other people here at my company. Any other

Well I'm surprised that more than one person seems to be affected by
Are you connecting through regular authentication or Kerberos??

Through regular authentication, I've only ever seen that with corrupted
keychain entries.

I've also never seen the case where the apssword worked for some areas
and not others. Are you sure the Free/busy server settings are
accurate?? In my case for instance, free/busy is done on a secondary
server different than the one for e-mails (that would affect contact and
calendar synching for instance).

Also, try installing the 12.1.4 update. If anything, it corrects issues
with Exchange,



Well I'm surprised that more than one person seems to be affected by
Are you connecting through regular authentication or Kerberos??

I don't run the exchange system, but I believe its a regular domain system. Its not kerberos.
Through regular authentication, I've only ever seen that with corrupted
keychain entries.

I've also never seen the case where the apssword worked for some areas
and not others. Are you sure the Free/busy server settings are
accurate?? In my case for instance, free/busy is done on a secondary
server different than the one for e-mails (that would affect contact and
calendar synching for instance).

The settings are correct. I've verified them, as well as deleted the account and recreated the account several times. The odd thing is that when I recreate the account, it starts syncing like everything works, then when after awhile the problem starts again.
Also, try installing the 12.1.4 update. If anything, it corrects issues
with Exchange,

Already running 12.1.4. We believe it was the 12.1.3 and 12.1.4 upgrade that introduced this problem. Everything was working fine prior to the upgrade.



I don't run the exchange system, but I believe its a regular domain system. Its not kerberos.

The settings are correct. I've verified them, as well as deleted the account and recreated the account several times. The odd thing is that when I recreate the account, it starts syncing like everything works, then when after awhile the problem starts again.

Already running 12.1.4. We believe it was the 12.1.3 and 12.1.4 upgrade that introduced this problem. Everything was working fine prior to the upgrade.



It turns out the problem was on the server. The admins contacted me today and migrated my account to a different server. As soon as it was done, all my problems went away. The 12.1.3/12.1.4 update was completely coincidental.

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