Error 17092!



Hi everybody (happy Easter)!

I appear not to be able to send SOME emails (some go and some dont). I
keep getting the following message appear shortly after sending.
Secondly how do I act upon the message? Where is and what is SMTP?

Cannot send mail. The SMTP server does not recognize any of the
authentication methods supported by Entourage. Try changing the SMTP
authentication options in Account settings or contact your network

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
John Adams

William Smith

Pennington said:
Hi everybody (happy Easter)!

I appear not to be able to send SOME emails (some go and some dont). I
keep getting the following message appear shortly after sending.
Secondly how do I act upon the message? Where is and what is SMTP?

Cannot send mail. The SMTP server does not recognize any of the
authentication methods supported by Entourage. Try changing the SMTP
authentication options in Account settings or contact your network

Hi John!

Since this is working some of the time but not always then the problem
is either with your saved password in the Keychain or with your E-mail

Quit Entourage and then open the Keychain Access utility found in
/Applications/Utilities. Select Keychain Access --> Keychain First Aid.
Verify and if necessary Repair your keychain. Launch Entourage and try

If that doesn't work then your ISP may have an online webpage where you
can change your password for your E-mail account. Change your password
and then launch Entourage and enter your new password when prompted.

Hope this helps!



William M. Smith, Microsoft Interop MVP - Mac/Windows
Entourage Help Page <>
Entourage Help Blog <>

Diane Ross

I appear not to be able to send SOME emails (some go and some dont). I
keep getting the following message appear shortly after sending.
Secondly how do I act upon the message? Where is and what is SMTP?

1. If you can receive but not send then you have a bad SMTP configuration
2. If you can send but not receive you have a bad POP or IMAP configuration

You can try re-entering info.
You can delete account and create a new one.
Using copy/paste can result in an extra space being added. Type carefully.
Check your Keychain for corruption.

For terms you don't understand see the Glossary on the Entourage Help Page:

See the screenshot:


A typical mistake users make when entering the SMTP info is to mistype and
enter STMP.

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