Rotating Vertical text (in a text box) on a form



Hi, I have some text in a text box on a form that I have managed to get to
display vertically. How do I rotate the text 180 degress so it reads from
the bottom up?

Al Campagna

Stephen Leban's site
has a Rotated Text sample flie.
You might want to take a look at that.

I rarely need labels with vertical text, but when I do, I just use a 1
character wide label control (with centered alignment)

Have you tried typing the text into the field backwards?
Al Campagna
Microsoft Access MVP

"Find a job that you love... and you'll never work a day in your life."


Thank you sounds like there is no functionality in the current Acess 2003
program? Thought it might be an easy one and I wasn't looking hard enough.
The field is not a label (I should have said that at the begining), the data
comes from a field in one of my tables so your suggestion won't work. The
single column suggestion is clever :) My form is vertical but is filed
horizontally. I want to be able to flick through the pages with my job
reference horizonal on the LHS of the page. The website was helpful I have
created the customised 'Rotate' Buttom but cannot find the 'tag' field. I
tried the 'Smart Tag' field but the followign msg appeared. "The Expression
you entered has a function that Microsoft Acesss couldn't find" Appreciate
your help, am I on the right track?

Al Campagna

Thank you sounds like there is no functionality in the current Acess 2003
No, A2003 doesn't have vertical text ability. But as I say, either a
label control or a text control can be "forced" into vertical by using a 1
character wide "tall" field. That method is not perfect, and is really
meant for the rare need for small vertical labeling.
Your need to display the data "from bottom to top" adds another layer of
My form is vertical but is filed horizontally.
Don't really understand that. Do you mean it's a "continuous form?"
And... if it is continuous, I'm confused as to why you need to display
"data" vertically.
created the customised 'Rotate' Buttom but cannot find the 'tag' field.
Not sure why you need a button to rotate text...
I have not worked with Stephen's Rotated text, so I wouldn't be able to
address your problems in utilizing that solution.
I'm also not sure if it has the ability to display data values
vertically "from bottom to top."

You could certainly create a new post with any problems you have with
that implemantation.
Al Campagna
Microsoft Access MVP

"Find a job that you love... and you'll never work a day in your life."

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