Since using 12.2.0 update Entourage will not open

  • Thread starter hamiltonemery_chris
  • Start date


Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: pop

I'm having problems opening up Entourage, which bounces around in the dock and fails to open. I've validated and rebuilt the databases, which are all fine. Nothing works. Tried updating Office again, but the installer now reports that there's not software to update. Any clues on how to solve this?

Diane Ross

I'm having problems opening up Entourage, which bounces around in the dock and
fails to open. I've validated and rebuilt the databases, which are all fine.
Nothing works. Tried updating Office again, but the installer now reports that
there's not software to update. Any clues on how to solve this?

Testing in a new User will quickly tell you if the problem is system wide or
if it's your User's folder that contains the problem.

Go to System Preferences --> Create a New User in Accounts. Switch to the
New User by logging out/in or use Fast User Switching. Test Entourage in the
new User.

If it open without problems, we need to test your Identity.

Switch back to your regular User.
Drag your Main Identity to the Shared Folder for access to the new User.


Switch to the new User

Drag your Identity from Shared (it actually copies) After testing remember
to drag your Identity back from Shared to your Office 2008 Identities

Place the Main Identity in this location:

~/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2008 Identities folder

It will overwrite the new blank Main Identity.

Open Entourage. If it open OK then your Identity is good and the problem is
in your User's folder.

Any problems with Entourage in the new user using a blank Identity indicates
problems at the system level and with the actual application install.

Use "Remove Office" and reinstall Office.


Steps to update Office after installing from DVD



Okay, here's the issue and the resolution according to MS escalated tech support:

Issue: update install is looking for a symbol file it can't find.

Fix: completely uninstall Office including all associated library files (ok to put identity files on desktop so they can be restored). Then do a fresh install and go through all updates.

A bit of work, but that fixes it.

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