SPI calculation..Urgent



Hello Friends ,

I am trying to calculate the SPI for all possible cases using
Microsoft Project 2007.
The SPI calculation is working fine for the cases in which BCWP < BCWS
i.e. when SPI
is less than one..But for the cases in which BCWP > BCWS it is giving
the SPI as 1 and not greater than one..On close inspection i found
that in the resource usage table , watever extra work has been done on
a day is shifted to the next day..Thus if im setting my status date to
the current date , it is giving SPI equal to one..I hope u get my

Is this a bug in MS Project?? If not what is the way out of it??

Thanking you in advance.


Jim Aksel

Hello Invincible, sorry for the late reply I wanted to check some things.

You will need to use Physical%Complete.
** FIRST: Make a backup Copy for safety sake ***

Tools/Options/Calculations (tab). Click the Earned Value button and select
Physical % Complete from the dropdown. Ckick OK a few times....

Select all the tasks in the project. Open the Task Information Dialog box
and pull the Advanced tab. Change the Earned Value type to Physical %

Insert the Physical % Complete column instead of the normal % Complete
colum. You need to take EV aginst Physical%Complete and you will be fine.

** Caution
You should consider a reset to your baseline if there is prior work
completed. Unfortunately, the solution is not pretty. You need to
"Memorialize" your existing %Complete into a spare column. Set all %Complete
to 0%. Rebaseline using Physical%Complete as your reference. Now copy your
memorial %Complete (from Text1?) over to the Physical%Complete column after
setting a correct status date.

Failure to 0 your %Complete will set your baseline incorrectly and "forgive"
all your history.

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It''s software; it''s not allowed to win.

Visit http://project.mvps.org/ for FAQs and more information
about Microsoft Project


Hello Invincible, sorry for the late reply I wanted to check some things.

You will need to use Physical%Complete.
** FIRST: Make a backup Copy for safety sake ***

Tools/Options/Calculations (tab). Click the Earned Value button and select
Physical % Complete from the dropdown. Ckick OK a few times....

Select all the tasks in the project. Open the Task Information Dialog box
and pull the Advanced tab. Change the Earned Value type to Physical %

Insert the Physical % Complete column instead of the normal % Complete
colum. You need to take EV aginst Physical%Complete and you will be fine.

** Caution
You should consider a reset to your baseline if there is prior work
completed. Unfortunately, the solution is not pretty. You need to
"Memorialize" your existing %Complete into a spare column. Set all %Complete
to 0%. Rebaseline using Physical%Complete as your reference. Now copy your
memorial %Complete (from Text1?) over to the Physical%Complete column after
setting a correct status date.

Failure to 0 your %Complete will set your baseline incorrectly and "forgive"
all your history.

Did that help?

If this post was helpful, please consider rating it.

It''s software; it''s not allowed to win.

Visithttp://project.mvps.org/for FAQs and more information
about Microsoft Project

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Thanks for the reply Jim..I will try to implement tat and let u know


Thanks for the reply Jim..I will try to implement tat and let u know
Cheers- Hide quoted text -

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Hey it worked properly..thanks again..


Sorry to jump in on this thread but is this a bug within Project? Does it
not work only entering % complete on each task instead of having to add the
Physical % complete colum and updating that along with %Complete in the task

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