What Changed in Entourage 12.2.4



I installed the Office2008-1224UpdateEN.dmg and have
no issues but would like to know what changes were
made to Entourage. The blurb from Microsoft talked
about an Excel fix but said nothing about Entourage;
however, it advanced the version number.

Anyone found a list of Entourage 12.2.4 changes?

William Smith [MVP]

I installed the Office2008-1224UpdateEN.dmg and have
no issues but would like to know what changes were
made to Entourage. The blurb from Microsoft talked
about an Excel fix but said nothing about Entourage;
however, it advanced the version number.

Anyone found a list of Entourage 12.2.4 changes?

That is the convention for Office 2008.

Office 2004 would often increment the version numbers of just the
changed applications, which caused a lot of confusion. Microsoft now
increments all application versions in Office 2008 whether they are
affected by the update or not.

To my knowledge, nothing changed in Entourage 2008 12.2.4, however, I
suspect the Holidays file was updated with the Office 2004 11.5.8 update.

Hope this helps!



Entourage Help Page <http://entourage.mvps.org/>
Entourage Help Blog <http://blog.entourage.mvps.org/>
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