2007 Form Control/ActiveX Control font difference



Hello all, and thank you in advance for your help with this odd question:

I have a worksheet that started out using all Form Control ComboBoxes. I
started switching over to ActiveX Control comboboxes to give me additional
VBA control. While my sheet was in a state of transition, I happened to
notice that the text appearing in the Form Control ComboBoxes appeared
properly while that appearing in the ActiveX combobox did not. Instead, the
text appearing in the latter had letters running together slightly or too far
appart (as if kerning was all messed up) and just looked plain ugly. (I wish
I could attach a screen capture.)

I have made sure both types are using the same font & size (Tahoma, 8pt).

What gives? I need the ActiveX ComboBoxes but I am not happy that the text
is going to look like .... uh, you know.

Any suggestions?

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