2007 Sort Dialog Box in Excel keeps growing.


Larry Cooke

I've been using Office 2007 for a few months now, recently I had to replace
my laptop and since installing it on the new laptop, I've had this annoying
issue when I try to use the sort command on the new machine. Old machine was
XP as is the new one if that matters and this wasn't an issue.

Each time I use the sort command, the dialog box opens to a larger size,
eventually it grows to full screen and I have to resize it to something more
manageable. It's a major pain when it's full screen, I can't see the columns
I want to sort. I suppose I could take the time to memorize the columns
prior to hitting Alt-D-S, but it's an old habit to use the keyboard shortcut
without thinking. :-/



Jim Rech

Very odd. I tried to reproduce the problem in Excel 2007 by doing several
sorts. But each time the Sort dialog opened in the same position and at the
same size as it was at the last sort. And when I start a new Excel session
it's back to its original small size. Sorry, no help here.

| I've been using Office 2007 for a few months now, recently I had to
| my laptop and since installing it on the new laptop, I've had this
| issue when I try to use the sort command on the new machine. Old machine
| XP as is the new one if that matters and this wasn't an issue.
| Each time I use the sort command, the dialog box opens to a larger size,
| eventually it grows to full screen and I have to resize it to something
| manageable. It's a major pain when it's full screen, I can't see the
| I want to sort. I suppose I could take the time to memorize the columns
| prior to hitting Alt-D-S, but it's an old habit to use the keyboard
| without thinking. :-/
| Thanks,
| Larry

Walter Feigenson

I have had this same problem in two different installations of Excel on two
different machines. It's not just the sort dialog box, the remove duplicates
dialog has the same problem. It also doesn't always remember the previous
settings (e.g. "My data file has headers").

I do a lot of sorting and list cleaning, and this is a major annoyance.
Frankly, the only reason I use Excel 2007 is for the remove duplicates
feature. These bugs weren't in the previous versions, but removing dupes
wasn't so easy.

While I'm here, I'll mention another problem I haven't found the solution
for - in Outlook 2007, when replying to a message, the screen often scrolls
into never-never land and what I'm typing is completely off-screen. Again,
identical problem on two different machines.


I'm having this problem too - the Sort Dialog box keeps getting larger and
larger, every time I close it. It looks like it increases in size but keeps
the center in the same location, unless the center is too far to one side of
the screen. And it only takes size sorts before it grows from the smallest
possible size to the full screen (on my 1680x1050 monitor).

Out of curiosity, could it be related to Large Fonts? That's usually my
first guess when it's a problem like this...


That's it! I changed my computer back to normal fonts, and the Sort Dialog
stopped growing. This definitely appears to be a bug in Excel 2007. The only
places I can find the problem are the sort and remove duplicates, which
appear to be about the only simple resizable dialog boxes in Excel. (not
counting charts)

So it sounds like a bug in the routine that saves the dialog box
size/location when there's non-standard DPI...

Walter Feigenson

Whoa! Thanks. Unfortunately I can't use smaller fonts unless I get newer
eyes. But it's sure nice to know what's causing the problem.


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