32,767 Significant Digits of Precision, with Number Formatting


Greg Lovern

I've just finished an Excel add-in that I thought some on this
newsgroup might be interested in.

It has math functions that provide up to 32,767 significant digits of
numerical precision, with simple number formatting:
-- Internationalized thousands separator* (comma in the USA)
-- Negatives can be formatted with either a leading hyphen or
-- Internationalized currency symbol

*The decimal symbol is also internationalized.

See http://PrecisionCalc.com

I'd be very interested in any comments.


Greg Lovern

Thomas H Lindber

Just now commenting only by curiosity:

In which application would you need 32,767 significant digits??

Occationally (3 times during the last 15 years) I'had the need for more
digits than what Excel can provide.
Then I solved it with MatLab.


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