A funny thing happened on the way to MS Word 2002 Outliner....


Major Kong

G'day All,
I am having problems with the outliner in MS Word 2002 as for some
reason it is presenting the paragraphs I am writing as [using Lorem
Ispum as an example]:

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi
faucibus odio id ..."

Instead it should be presenting my paragraphs in the outliner as:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi
faucibus odio id ante. Cras ultricies sapien at tortor. Vivamus tortor
nisi, cursus vitae, tempus sit amet, faucibus et, ligula. Aliquam
luctus eros. In justo. Donec imperdiet augue ac neque. Mauris congue
auctor massa. Vivamus lacinia risus. Maecenas egestas tortor quis arcu.
Nulla metus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nunc at mi eget ligula eleifend
aliquet. Pellentesque augue massa, pharetra vel, posuere ac, cursus a,
justo. In imperdiet augue at nisl. In nisl. Aliquam aliquam
sollicitudin nisi.

I have had a hunt around the Tools>Options of MS Word and I could not
find the option that will change it...any suggestions?

Best Regards.

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