a question about captions and tables of figures


Thomas Campitelli

Howdy Folks,

I am working with a document that has many figures in it. I dutifully
insert captions for each figure so that I can easily generate a table of
figures. However. In many cases, my caption is almost the full length of
a line. This makes for a rather ugly table of figures. There arre very
few if any periods leading to the page number.

Is there a way that I can manually abbreviate the text I would like to
see in the table of figures?

Is "caption" the style I should use if I want to include descriptive
text about a figure in addition to the figure number and title?

Thanks in advance for any help.


Thomas Campitelli

Thomas Campitelli

I discovered that including a right indent cleared up my period leader
problem. Thank you, MVP website. However, I am still interested in if
there is a way to control what text gets included in the table of figures.

Thomas Campitelli

Robert M. Franz

Hi Thomas

Thomas said:
I discovered that including a right indent cleared up my period leader
problem. Thank you, MVP website. However, I am still interested in if
there is a way to control what text gets included in the table of figures.

Depending on the version of Word you are using, you can make use of the
"Style separator" feature. In versions pre Word 2002 (or 2000), this
wasn't yet available, and you had to invent it for yourself: In the
caption paragraph, insert a paragraph mark between the text you want to
have in the ToF and and the rest of it. Format it as "hidden" (Format |
Font). Then make a new style that matches your caption style in format
(derive the former from the latter, all except a possible first line
difference), and apply it to the second part of the text including the
following (normal) paragraph break.

Good luck!

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