Access 2002, new features?



I have recently purchased and installed Access 2002. I
am an experienced user, but I am having a number of
problems I have never encountered with previous revisions:

1. It appears that the help files are no longer on
line. When I went to the install disks to add help, I
became totally confused, the methodology (which I thought
was fine before) has been totally revamped, and I can't
make heads or tails of it.

2. I cannot find Foxpro linkage support, perhaps this
has been discontinued?

3. Help now seems to be separated between Access and
VBA, but some features, such as Access functions (e.g.
Dlkup) no longer appear to have help in the Access
section, you have to get help in the VBA section,
although you don't have to use VBA to use the function.

Any help with any of the above would be appreciated.
Thank you.

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