Access 2007 distinct queries on unicode text - bug?

  • Thread starter JC, Fredericksburg, VA
  • Start date

JC, Fredericksburg, VA

I have a table with unicode (Greek) text in it which I imported from a text
file. When I view the data I can see all the correct unicode characters

I then did a distinct query, and I am missing a lot of my data - in fact, I
only get 23 results when I expected over 50.

I have the same problem with a new table that I am attempting to create.
When I attempt to instert a new unicode character, sometimes I get prompted
that this is a duplicate value - which it is not.

Is there a setting that I need to change? I have tried with both unicode
compression off and on.

Allen Browne

That's interesting, JC.

Couple of other things that might be contributing factors:

a) JET does indeed have trouble handling DISTINCT, even aside from any
Unicode issues. The results are inconsistent, depending on whether the field
has a unique index or not. More info:

b) Is this a Text field, or a Memo field?
Memo fields are handled differently in any de-duplication, including
DISTINCT. More info:

Your issue may well be different from those I am aware of, as I don't do
much with non-English languages, but thought you might appreciate knowing
about those issues anyway.

Allen Browne - Microsoft MVP. Perth, Western Australia.

Reply to group, rather than allenbrowne at mvps dot org.

"JC, Fredericksburg, VA" <JC, Fredericksburg, (e-mail address removed)>
wrote in message
news:[email protected]...

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