Access 2007 Report Export To TXT Line Wrapping...



Hi, I have a very simple problem to describe to which I cannot find a

I have a report with each field EXACTLY 120 characters long, which I
need to export to a TXT file to then import into a bank software...

In Access, I can play with the font size and have each field on one
line but, when I export it to the TXT file, the fields break down to
the next line around 70/80 characters...

Is there a way to force the field to stay on one line in the resulting
TXT file?

Thank you in advance for any help you may provide, Lupo


What application are you using to view the data in the text file?
If you are using NotePad make sure to turn off the word wrap or it will
appear to break the data.
Try copying the last character of the line through the first character of
the following line so as to include any control characters and paste in a
design view query grid to analyze. Use Asc(Mid("X Z", 2, 1)) to determine
if a space (ASCII 32) or other.

If there are other characters the try editing using Notepad or Word and
function Replace All to remove them.


Hi, thank you for your reply. The solution was to make the page
horizontal instead of vertical and pull the page width up to 28". This
way, it works perfectly...

The next problem I have now is that when I export the lines, Access
adds a space in front of each line...

I use Notepad++ to view it and run a final macro to clean it up

Regards, Lupo

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