access 2007

  • Thread starter Wendy Elizabeth
  • Start date

Wendy Elizabeth

I have a problem installing office 2007.

I attended an MSDN event, and won a free version of Office 2007 that I
could download from the internet using a promotion code. This is the same
link where you can obtain a 60 day trial version of Office 2007. However
from my understanding about using the promotion code, the version of office
2007 will never expire since I won a copy of Office 2007.
Thus I have the following questions about this kind of an install:

1. From what I could see on the internet, I would have the option to keep
the 'old' version of Office on my home pc or install the new 'Office' 2007.
This did not occur.
((I want to keep the old version of office 2000 around for 4 more months
until after I have written I my wedding thank you notes.)
Thus can you tell me is there a way that that I can get the office 2007
and not have it replace my Office 2000 that is currently on my home pc?
2. If my pc ever creashes and I would want to reload office 2007 when I
rebuild my pc, I would not have the original install so I would not be able
to reload.
What would you suggest that I do in this case?

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