Access 97 crashes when entering event code or assistant


Lutz Klein


we have developed some Application based on access 97. During the years we
have never had a problem like this one. Now, that we tried to run one of the
applications on Windows 2003 Server R2 having SQL Server 2005 installed, we
face this problem: The JIT-Debugger of vs2005 occures when opening a Form in
the access 97 database, reporting a WIN32-Exception. We reduced the problem
to this: If we try to create a form with the form assistant of Access97
inside an empty database, the exception occurs. Also the exception occurs, if
we lay a button control on an empty form, implement a OnClick-event, start
the form and press the button. The same database works fine without having
SQL-Server 2005 installed.

Since it is not possible for us to upgrade our database applications to a
higher Access version (Access 2003 works fine on the same environmen), we
have to finde a way to fix the problem.

Any suggestions?
Thank's in advance,

Lutz Klein


Don't use the form assistant.
This sounds like a problem for Microsoft but Access 97 will soon no longer
be supported.
You really need to upgrade from Access 97.


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