Access Error Message when opening database



This is the error message Access 2002 gives when I attempt to open a
particular database (let's call this database 'TM'). The database was
created using Access 2000. It is a shared database, and works fine on
several PCs running Office 2000. I've tried several PCs running Office XP,
and all of them have the same issue.

"Microsoft Access has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are
sorry for the inconvenience. The information you were working on might be
lost. Microsoft Access can try to compact and repair your open database."

AppName: msaccess.exe AppVer: 10.0.6501.0 ModName: msaccess.exe
ModVer: 10.0.6501.0 Offset: 0031eddc

Does anyone have any ideas / suggestions on what the problem could be?

Tom Wickerath

A couple of things to check out. First, you stated that this is a shared database. Is it also
split into a front-end and back-end, where each user has their own copy of the front-end? Is any
VBA code being run when the database is opened, either called from an autoexec macro, or run via
a startup form? If the answer to these two questions are "no" and "yes", respectively, I wonder
if you are not running into a situation discussed in this KB article:

Access 2002 quits after you use Access 2000 to recompile code

Another possibility might include:

1) While the title of this article is "Access may stop responding when you try to create an MDE
file or an ADE file", a key point is that the error occurs "when the compiled Visual Basic for
Applications (VBA) project of the .mdb file or the .adp file is corrupted."

2) Additionally, other offsets, other versions of Access, and other versions of the mso.dll are

Try the /decompile option discussed in this KB article on a copy of your database.

Can you open the database on one of the affected machines if you hold the shift key down while
attempting to open it? This will prevent VBA code from running at startup, as long as someone
has not disabled the shift key. If you can get the database to open, try refreshing the
references. Use ALT F11 to open the VBE editor, click on Tools > References. Are any references
marked as MISSING? If so, you need to fix this situation first. If not, try adding any new
reference, click on OK to dismiss the references dialog and then go back in and remove the new
reference. The process of adding or removing a reference will cause the references list to
refresh. If you find any references marked as MISSING, then refer to these two articles:

Access Reference Problems (Doug Steele)

Solving Problems with Library References (Allen Browne)


Can you create a new Access database on the PC's running Office XP? If not, one possibility (?)
might include the following:

You may receive the “Microsoft Access has encountered a problem and needs to close” error message
when you try to create a new database or to open an existing database in Access 2002

If you can successfully create a new database using one of the affected PC's, the first thing you
should do is disable NameAutocorrect (Tools > Options... | select the General tab). In case
you're wondering why I'm giving this advice, take a look at this page:

Failures caused by Name Auto-Correct (Allen Browne)

Then try importing all objects (ie. tables, queries, forms, reports, etc.) one group at a time.
While Access can import all objects in one operation, this is not recommended by the experts at
FMS. Also, when importing your tables, make sure to click on the Options button and select
Relationships and Import / Export specifications as well.

Then set the desired startup properties (Tools > Startup), and set the required references to
match as well, since these will not be imported. Finally, in the VBE window, click on Debug >
Compile DatabaseName. Does your code compile without any errors? Before you answer this
question, check to see if you have Option Explicit included as the second line of code in each
module. If not, add this line of code to each and every code module and then try recompiling.


Which operating system are you using on the affected PC's? What service pack level? (Start >
Run: WinVer)

How to troubleshoot fatal system errors in Access 2002 running on Microsoft Windows 2000

How to troubleshoot fatal system errors in Access 2002 running on Windows Millennium


What service pack level is applied to the Office XP installations? Open any application, and
click on Help > About Microsoft {Application Name} to see this information.

Good Luck,

This is the error message Access 2002 gives when I attempt to open a
particular database (let's call this database 'TM'). The database was
created using Access 2000. It is a shared database, and works fine on
several PCs running Office 2000. I've tried several PCs running Office XP,
and all of them have the same issue.

"Microsoft Access has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are
sorry for the inconvenience. The information you were working on might be
lost. Microsoft Access can try to compact and repair your open database."

AppName: msaccess.exe AppVer: 10.0.6501.0 ModName: msaccess.exe
ModVer: 10.0.6501.0 Offset: 0031eddc

Does anyone have any ideas / suggestions on what the problem could be?



Thanks for your help. I really appreciate your 'Shift' tip - before I
couldn't get into the database from my desk to even test things out before.

It is not a split database. VBA code is ran when the database is opened
from a startup form.

I don't see 'Missing' by any of my references.

I compiled my code & fixed a few issues.

I can create a new access database on a computer having this issue.

I converted my database to 2002 format - the error still occurred. In fact,
whenever my code runs, the error occurs.

The operating system is: Microsoft Windows XP Professional - Service Pack 1

The Office XP installations use Service Pack 3

When I opened up my database in Access 2002 I did notice the Microsoft
Access Object Library reference was version 10.0, I referenced 9.0 in my 2000
database. I had the 9.0 reference in a file with the database, along with
Excel 9.0, ADO 2.7, and Graph 9.0. The rest of the references referenced the
older versions. When I try to upload the Access 9.0 reference nothing
happens. Access won't let me delete the 10.0 version because it says it's in

I'm still checking a few things out. I'll give you a more detailed update


Tom Wickerath

Hi eah,
It is not a split database.
You should definitely split it. Each user should have a copy of the front-end copied to their
local hard drive. In a conference I attended a couple of years ago, a Microsoft Access Program
Manager identified the #1 cause of database corruption as sharing an entire database. So, I
always tell people to do so at their own risk...
I don't see 'Missing' by any of my references.
Have you tried refreshing the references? Bad references do not always show up as MISSING. Most
of the time they do, but not always.

I can create a new access database on a computer having this issue. I converted my database to
2002 format - the error still occurred.

Okay, can you run any code in another database on the affected PC? I assume the test DB that you
were able to create did not include any code. The file format (2000 vs. 2002) shouldn't really

In fact, whenever my code runs, the error occurs.
Care to post this code?

The operating system is: Microsoft Windows XP Professional - Service Pack 1
The Office XP installations use Service Pack 3

Good. You are pretty much up-to-date, except that SP2 for Windows XP is now available. What
service pack of the JET database engine do you have? See the following KB article to determine

When I opened up my database in Access 2002 I did notice the
Microsoft Access Object Library reference was version 10.0, I
referenced 9.0 in my 2000 database.

This is an expected result. Nothing out of the ordinary here. The reference to the correct
version is set as Access is opening. However, if you have a mix of A2000 and A2002 users
accessing the same database simultaneously, then this type of conflict could result in big
problems! Question: When you previously tried opening this database on several PCs running
Office XP, did any of your Access 2000 users already have the same file open? If so, please
repeat the test, but this time make sure that only Office XP computers attempt to open the
database. If one or more Office XP users can successfully open the database, what happens when
you allow an Access 2000 user to try opening it. (These tests would be conducted before splitting
the database, of course).

A couple more recommendations...

Try re-registering your DAO360.dll file. Use the instructions shown in this KB article:
Note: Although the title includes Access 2000, this article applies to Access 2002 as well.

Download a copy of the MDAC (Microsoft Data Access Components) Component Checker utility. Run it
on the PC's that are having problems, to verify that you have a correct MDAC installation.

Component Checker: Diagnose problems and reconfigure MDAC installations



Thanks for your help. I really appreciate your 'Shift' tip - before I
couldn't get into the database from my desk to even test things out before.

It is not a split database. VBA code is ran when the database is opened
from a startup form.

I don't see 'Missing' by any of my references.

I compiled my code & fixed a few issues.

I can create a new access database on a computer having this issue.

I converted my database to 2002 format - the error still occurred. In fact,
whenever my code runs, the error occurs.

The operating system is: Microsoft Windows XP Professional - Service Pack 1

The Office XP installations use Service Pack 3

When I opened up my database in Access 2002 I did notice the Microsoft
Access Object Library reference was version 10.0, I referenced 9.0 in my 2000
database. I had the 9.0 reference in a file with the database, along with
Excel 9.0, ADO 2.7, and Graph 9.0. The rest of the references referenced the
older versions. When I try to upload the Access 9.0 reference nothing
happens. Access won't let me delete the 10.0 version because it says it's in

I'm still checking a few things out. I'll give you a more detailed update


A couple of things to check out. First, you stated that this is a shared database. Is it also
split into a front-end and back-end, where each user has their own copy of the front-end? Is any
VBA code being run when the database is opened, either called from an autoexec macro, or run via
a startup form? If the answer to these two questions are "no" and "yes", respectively, I wonder
if you are not running into a situation discussed in this KB article:

Access 2002 quits after you use Access 2000 to recompile code

Another possibility might include:

1) While the title of this article is "Access may stop responding when you try to create an MDE
file or an ADE file", a key point is that the error occurs "when the compiled Visual Basic for
Applications (VBA) project of the .mdb file or the .adp file is corrupted."

2) Additionally, other offsets, other versions of Access, and other versions of the mso.dll are

Try the /decompile option discussed in this KB article on a copy of your database.

Can you open the database on one of the affected machines if you hold the shift key down while
attempting to open it? This will prevent VBA code from running at startup, as long as someone
has not disabled the shift key. If you can get the database to open, try refreshing the
references. Use ALT F11 to open the VBE editor, click on Tools > References. Are any references
marked as MISSING? If so, you need to fix this situation first. If not, try adding any new
reference, click on OK to dismiss the references dialog and then go back in and remove the new
reference. The process of adding or removing a reference will cause the references list to
refresh. If you find any references marked as MISSING, then refer to these two articles:

Access Reference Problems (Doug Steele)

Solving Problems with Library References (Allen Browne)


Can you create a new Access database on the PC's running Office XP? If not, one possibility (?)
might include the following:

You may receive the “Microsoft Access has encountered a problem and needs to close” error message
when you try to create a new database or to open an existing database in Access 2002

If you can successfully create a new database using one of the affected PC's, the first thing you
should do is disable NameAutocorrect (Tools > Options... | select the General tab). In case
you're wondering why I'm giving this advice, take a look at this page:

Failures caused by Name Auto-Correct (Allen Browne)

Then try importing all objects (ie. tables, queries, forms, reports, etc.) one group at a time.
While Access can import all objects in one operation, this is not recommended by the experts at
FMS. Also, when importing your tables, make sure to click on the Options button and select
Relationships and Import / Export specifications as well.

Then set the desired startup properties (Tools > Startup), and set the required references to
match as well, since these will not be imported. Finally, in the VBE window, click on Debug >
Compile DatabaseName. Does your code compile without any errors? Before you answer this
question, check to see if you have Option Explicit included as the second line of code in each
module. If not, add this line of code to each and every code module and then try recompiling.


Which operating system are you using on the affected PC's? What service pack level? (Start >
Run: WinVer)

How to troubleshoot fatal system errors in Access 2002 running on Microsoft Windows 2000

How to troubleshoot fatal system errors in Access 2002 running on Windows Millennium


What service pack level is applied to the Office XP installations? Open any application, and
click on Help > About Microsoft {Application Name} to see this information.

Good Luck,

This is the error message Access 2002 gives when I attempt to open a
particular database (let's call this database 'TM'). The database was
created using Access 2000. It is a shared database, and works fine on
several PCs running Office 2000. I've tried several PCs running Office XP,
and all of them have the same issue.

"Microsoft Access has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are
sorry for the inconvenience. The information you were working on might be
lost. Microsoft Access can try to compact and repair your open database."

AppName: msaccess.exe AppVer: 10.0.6501.0 ModName: msaccess.exe
ModVer: 10.0.6501.0 Offset: 0031eddc

Does anyone have any ideas / suggestions on what the problem could be?

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