Access Page/Report (please help)



I have no idea what I’m doing so I hope someone could help.

I have three tables
One table has

Employee Name Box1 box 2 box 3 box 4
Smith, John 2 3 4 5
Smith, John 3 9 8 4
Adams, John 5 9 6 1
Adams. John 9 6 1 5

The next table has
Employee Name Org Number
Smith, John 2345
Adams, John 5961

The last table has
Employee Name Supervisor
Smith, John Doe, John
Adams, John Test, Name

When I create my access page or report, I want the output to look like to

Record 1
Employee Name Smith, John
Org Number 2345

Box1 Box2 box3 box4
2 3 4 5
3 9 8 4

Supervisor Doe, John

Record 2
Employee Name Adams, John
Org Number 5961

Box1 Box2 box3 box4
5 9 6 1
9 6 1 5

Supervisor Test, Name


First create a query that includes the information from
all 3 tables, using as data source in Report.

In Sort Grouping of Report, create grouping by Employee
Name and Click "Yes" for Header and Footer of Employee.

In The Header of Employee put, Employee and ORgNo fields,
in Details section of Employee put the box Data (tt
caption of the boxes has to be in header - you arrange
this) and in footer of Employee put the supervisor Name
(So Should work including some other works)



Thank you for the help this worked.
One more question. How can I make it so that only one record per page.


On the Employee-Footer after you controls there insert
pagebreak, so every employee is in different page.

Hope this is what you wanted.


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