Accidentally Asian


Sandy Proesch

We recently converted from WordPerfect as our standard word processor to
Word 2002. I have a user who is creating from documents from many templates
that she has made, and we discovered a problem when our fax server failed to
convert them properly as Word documents.

When I look at the formatting on the document, in particular the character
spacing, it says that it is Asian typography. That certainly wasn't our
intention, and it's causing the fax server great problems, even though it
looks fine on screen and when printed.

Her defaults are point to English(U.S.), and if I copy and paste the text
into a new document, and match destination formatting, the Asian character
spacing goes away. Of course the document looks greatly different when
placed into her default formatting.

My question is this - is there any easy way to convert these templates so
that they don't use the Asian typography? I'm not sure if the original was
a converted WP document or not, but that's my only guess as to how this
happened in the first place.

Anyone have any clues that might help? Thanks.

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