add-in for word 2003



Hi sss,

It's not easy to be new when it comes to the .NET platform and it's not easy
to track down any errors...

When we build the solution in VB.NET we will be given some information when
the code is not correct, any error or warning messages. However, if no
messages are given then we are on our own.

I assume that You have compiled the COM add-in.

Step 1
Check the security settings in Microsoft Word are:
Tab Security Level - Medium
Tab Trusted Publishers - Trust all installed add-ins and templates is checked.
(You can access it via Tools | Macro | Security on the Standard menu)

If everything looks OK then I suggest that You check if Word has disabled
the add-in. If an add-in don't work properly Word will 'blacklist' it without
any notification about it. You choose Help | About Microsoft Word | Click on
the button 'Disabled items...' from the standard Menu.

I hope the above will give You some guideline.

With kind regards,


Thanks Dennis for your reply,

I am not getting any errors while compiling and i checked all the things
security is set to medium and there are no disabled menu items in word still
i am not able to see the add-in in the toolbar..



What You can try next is to add simple messages in the OnConnection event as
well as in the OnDisconnection event: msgbox "I'm connected' and "I'm

BTW, how do You debug the add-in?


Check your add-in's LoadBehavior key from registry HKLM - Microsoft -
Office - Word - <youraddinname>.Connect

If LoadBehavior is set to 2, then your add-in might have tried to crash
the host application due to bad code and got itself disabled. Set it
back to 3. One important thing you need to understand is that Word eats
away all the exceptions. So if your code causes any exception that
would result in a host application crash you wouldn't know. So you
should use try catch wherever possible to catch the appropiated
exceptions. Do this and run it again.

Hope this helps

Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?c3Nz?=,
New to programming .
I am trying to create a add-in using the code here;en-us;Q302896/

but after i build my proect i am not able to see the add-in WORD
Have you checked in Word's Help/About/Disabled items whether your
Addin is listed here?

One problem with COM Addins created using .NET is that they all
share the same domain - the one for mscoree.dll. If ANY Addin
running in that domains fails, ALL are disabled. In order to avoid
this, you must create a SHIM and wrap your Addin in it. See for

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17

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