Robert Crandal
I noticed that the Active X Calendar Control 8.0 control is not
currently installed on my machines at work, and for now
I am assuming that I will NOT be allowed to install it
at my highly secure workplace. (I couldnt find it anywhere
in the "Additional Controls" area)
Does anybody have any bright ideas on how to implement
something similar to a calendar control?? I just want an
easy way for my users to select a date. Right now we are simply
typing a date in a target cell, but I thought it would be nice
if we could select dates in a more flexible manner.
The only thing I can think of right now is creating drop down
lists which contain months, days and years to choose from.
Anybody else got any better ideas?
currently installed on my machines at work, and for now
I am assuming that I will NOT be allowed to install it
at my highly secure workplace. (I couldnt find it anywhere
in the "Additional Controls" area)
Does anybody have any bright ideas on how to implement
something similar to a calendar control?? I just want an
easy way for my users to select a date. Right now we are simply
typing a date in a target cell, but I thought it would be nice
if we could select dates in a more flexible manner.
The only thing I can think of right now is creating drop down
lists which contain months, days and years to choose from.
Anybody else got any better ideas?