ARM symbol


Ms. Duke

How do you create the ARM symbol? The one with the ARM inside of a circle.

Thank you,
Ms. Duke

JoAnn Paules [MVP]

I don't know what that symbol is but you may need to use a graphic rather
than a text character.

JoAnn Paules

I don't think so. Arm and Hammer is Arm and Hammer. I've never heard anyone
refer to them as Arm. I suspect she's talking about something akin to a
copyright symbol.


That's the first thing I thought of. Remove the hammer and voila.


"Don't pick a fight with an old man.
If he is too old to fight, he'll just kill you."

JoAnn Paules said:
I don't think so. Arm and Hammer is Arm and Hammer. I've never heard
anyone refer to them as Arm. I suspect she's talking about something akin
to a copyright symbol.

JoAnn Paules
MVP Microsoft [Publisher]
Tech Editor for "Microsoft Publisher 2007 For Dummies"

Michael said:
My guess is she means this.


"Don't pick a fight with an old man.
If he is too old to fight, he'll just kill you."

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