ASP intranet connection to secured database???


TS in FL

My company's intranet guru is giving me grief about connecting to my
database. I am planning to secure the database with user-level security,
which is the source of her grief. Can I simply set up a read only user for
the intranet connection and tell her what the the logon and password are? I
don't know anything about ASP, but surely the logon and password can be
hard-coded into the web page. She wants administrative privileges to the
database for herself, which I don't believe is necessary (there are already
four people my boss wants to have admin privileges, which is too many IMHO).

She is also insisting on moving the database from its current shared drive
folder location to another server that I do not have access to, for
"security" purposes. Is this really necessary if the database has user-level


She is also insisting on moving the database from its current shared
folder location to another server that I do not have access to, for
"security" purposes. Is this really necessary.


Her web server is not configured to allow access to the whole
intranet. Unless you have a whole separate web server for your
application, you need to work with the security settings she has.
She wants administrative privileges to the
database for herself, which I don't believe is necessary

The database should be secured with a separate workgroup, with a
different Admins group. There is no reason why she should have
the original workgroup - unless she needs to fix your security settup.

Consider moving to SQL Server/MSDE. MDB database's are
difficult to maintain on the secured sites necessary for web servers,
and they can't handle heavy web traffic unless carefully configured.



Access/Jet is a fileserver database, not a client/server one like MSDE
or SQL*Server. So, its performance can be significantly worse, when run
over an intranet. Have you done any testing to see if the response time
will be acceptable when using it over your intranet?


TS in FL

I probably should have mentioned that the info to be displayed on the
intranet will be read only and is not to be edited. When I secure the
database with user-level permissions, would I need to give her admin
permissions or could I just give create a read-only user named "intranet" and
give her the logon and password to add to her code?

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