Assignment Custom Field



I can't seem to find out how to view a custom assignment field such as text1.
In the Office Onlie Help, it says:

"Assignment fields can be displayed in the sheet portion of the Task Usage
and Resource Usage views and at the bottom of the Task Form and Resource

I haven't been able to insert an assignment text1 field in any of these
places. I'm not sure what is meant by the "sheet portion of the Task Usage".

I'm using MS Project 2003 Professional.

Jack Dahlgren

The text fields are dependent on context.
If you are looking at a task view (gantt chart for example) then the Text1
field will be a task text field.
If you are looking at the resource sheet it will be a resource text field
If you are looking at an assignment view (task usage) then it will be an
assignment text field.
In all of these cases the column will have the same name such as "Text 1"
but the data is actually stored in a different text field.
The "sheet portion" refers to the left hand side.

-Jack Dahlgren


To further clarify my question, when I go to Tools, Customize, Fields..., the
Customize Fields box only shows Task and Resource fields. Is it possible to
see an Assignment custom field in a table or are they only available throught
VBA code?

Jan De Messemaeker


You can SEE any assignment custom field in a Usage view, as colleague MVP
Jack just wrote (didn't you believe him?)
You just cannot CUSTOMIZE these fields with formulas, etc.
Hope this helps,


When I insert a custom field in a Usage view, it is not an assignment field.
How do I insert and view and assignment field?

Jack Dahlgren

Try it with resource usage view.
I just did. It works.

-Jack Dahlgren

Johhny said:
When I insert a custom field in a Usage view, it is not an assignment
How do I insert and view and assignment field?


Hello Johhny,

Pardon me for bumping in. Something that I hope may help clarify. When
you view the Resource Usage view you are looking at Resources data and
Assignment data. The assignment data is in the row indented under the
resource's name and shows the italicized task name. If you add a custom
field (Text1 for example), the Text1 Field on the resource row is
Resource Text1. The Text1 field on the assignment row is the Assignment
Text1 field. You can enter data directly into the field, but cannot
write custom formulas for the field.

If you were to add data to the Text1 field to the Gantt chart view, and
then displayed the Task Usage view, you would see the information
displayed on the row containing Task Data. The assignment row
(represented by the italicized resource name) is Assignment data.

Add the unique ID field to the Resource Usage view and note the unique
assignment ID for the pairing of a resource and tasking creating an
assignment. Display the Task Usage view and add the unique ID and
you'll be able to pair the same task and resource and view the same

See FAQ #51 at for a further discussion
of the differences between Task, Resource, and Assignment data.

I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.

Project MVP

Visit for the FAQs and additional information
about Microsoft Project

Johhny said:
When I insert a custom field in a Usage view, it is not an assignment
How do I insert and view and assignment field?


Ahhhh! That clarifies it for me. In the resource usage view, I was looking
at the column header which was clearly a resource text1 field and that was
confusing me. I entered some text in the text1 field on the 1st assignment
for the 2nd resource. In the VBA editor, I entered a line that called for
the text1 field for that assignment and it was the same.

Thanks to everyone who responded. I'm sorry it took so long to sink into my
thick skull.



You're welcome Johhny and thanks for the feedback. Don't apologize for
being confused, the whole task, resource, assignment data relationship
is just one of the several components of Project that are not intuitive


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