Bar Styles



I would like add a new bar style for Summary tasks that have no progress (0%
complete) and therefore are completely to the left of the "Today" line.

Please help.


Aimee said:
I would like add a new bar style for Summary tasks that have no progress (0%
complete) and therefore are completely to the left of the "Today" line.

Please help.

I'm having a little trouble relating "no progress" with, "completely to
the left of the Today line". No progress is no progress, regardless of
the current date. Perhaps you could elaborate, then we would be in a
better position to help you.

Project MVP


Once you input your progress data, automatically the summary tasks on which
no progress has happened, would shift to the right of the status date or
todays date, so why have a separate shape for these.

But still if you want to show these with a different appearence, you will
have to format each of these separately, by right click on each of these bars
and formatting through Format Bar.

I hope it helps.

Mike Glen

Hi Aimee,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

Have a look at the Tracking Gantt view where you will see the summary bar
and another bar beneath showing progress (assuming you have baselined your
project) In this view, summaries with 0% progress don't have a progress
line, the rest do. However, if you want the same to show on the Gantt Chart
view, if you examine the Tracking Gant view Format/Bar Styles... dialog,
you can see the entry for Summary Progress. Note where it occurs in the
list, ie above the Summary entry, and note the settings for Appearance etc.
Go back to the Gantt Chart view, open the Text Styles dialog and inset a new
entry and enter that details you've noted. That could do what you're after.

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Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :)

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP
See for my free Project Tutorials


John said:
I'm having a little trouble relating "no progress" with, "completely to
the left of the Today line". No progress is no progress, regardless of
the current date. Perhaps you could elaborate, then we would be in a
better position to help you.

Project MVP

Hi John.

By "no progress" I meant that for example there are 3 tasks within a summary
tasks--if none of the 3 tasks have any progress, then the summary task bar
should change colors.

Does that make sense?


Hi Vanita.

If for example a summary task had 3 sub-tasks and these sub-tasks had no
progress and were all past-due then we want the summary bar to change colors.

Does that make sense?


Hi Mike!

I actually did add a bar style above the summary task that was a different
color but it did not display--that original summary bar style displayed. In
other words, I put in a bar style for summary task that had a "not started"
in the "show for tasks column". What I want is that for example 3 sub-tasks
are all past due and have no progress, the summary bar turns red. Does that
make sense?


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