---- became a solid line, but WON'T delete for anything! Help!

  • Thread starter Agravated msword user.
  • Start date

Agravated msword user.

I am using msword. It autoformated(?) a ---- line into a solid one. When I
tried to undo, delete, select & cut - nothing gets rid of it. It floats or
moves. I can edit the text around it, but not it. I've tried selecting all
the ext except the line and pasting to a new document... but it appears there
too. I tried selecting the text a paragrap above it and pastineg to a new
doc, but it appears again.

I want it gone! Help please?


Apologies if answer already found
check that you haven't got the Auto Format Borders selected.
with curser at line entry go to
The Format Menu,Auto Format,Options,Auto format as you type, Borders. If
Borders selected then always after 3 dashes and Enter you get a full width
reverse the proceedure above and the Auto lines will disappear.
Very usful for separating sections


Hi Suzanne
As there had been no answer from the questioner, I wondered if they would
like it explained rather than a link
yes your database of answers is extremely comprehensive and thanks for your
input into making it usable for all

Suzanne S. Barnhill

It's actually rather rare to get feedback from questioners unless they have
follow-up questions.

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