Calculating two fields on based of the value of one field


Daljeet Bajwa

My table has a amount field which contains Credits and debits. I have another
field which has two values C for Credit and D for Debit.
I would like to sum up both credits and debits into two different fields.
How can I accomplish that? Thanks.

Carl Rapson

Daljeet Bajwa said:
My table has a amount field which contains Credits and debits. I have
field which has two values C for Credit and D for Debit.
I would like to sum up both credits and debits into two different fields.
How can I accomplish that? Thanks.

Credits = DSum("Amount", "MyTable","AnotherField='C'")
Debits = DSum("Amount","MyTable","AnotherField='D'")

Note the single quotes around the C and D in the third parameter. Be sure to
use you own field and table names.

Carl Rapson

Daljeet Bajwa

Thanks Carl but I forget clarify my question. First of all, here is my SQL
Statement :

SELECT tblAtlantic.[Cardholder Name], "************" &
Right(tblAtlantic.[Card Number],4) AS [Secured Number],
tblAtlantic.[Accounting Code], tblAtlantic.[Merchant Name] & " " &
tblAtlantic.[MCC code] AS Merchant, Left(tblAtlantic![Posting Date],4) & "/"
& Mid(tblAtlantic![Posting Date],5,2) & "/" & Right(tblAtlantic![Posting
Date],2) AS [Formatted Posting Date], tblAtlantic.[Gross Amount],
tblAtlantic.[National Tax], tblAtlantic.[Net Amount], Left(tblAtlantic![Cycle
Date],4) & "/" & Mid(tblAtlantic![Cycle Date],5,2) & "/" &
Right(tblAtlantic![Cycle Date],2) AS [Formatted cycle Date],
IIf(Left(tblAtlantic.[Gross Amount],1)="-","C","D") AS [Credit Status],
DSum(tblAtlantic.[Gross Amount],"tblAtlantic",[Credit Status]='C') AS [Total
Credits], DSum(tblAtlantic.[Gross Amount],"tblAtlantic",[Credit Status]='D')
AS [Total Debits]
FROM tblAtlantic;

I am using this query for a report and on my report I need two separate
totals for credits and debits. Any help will greatly appreciated. Thanks.


Carl Rapson

Is that query working? If so, it looks like you already have your Credit and
Debit totals. What problem are you having?

Carl Rapson

Daljeet Bajwa said:
Thanks Carl but I forget clarify my question. First of all, here is my SQL
Statement :

SELECT tblAtlantic.[Cardholder Name], "************" &
Right(tblAtlantic.[Card Number],4) AS [Secured Number],
tblAtlantic.[Accounting Code], tblAtlantic.[Merchant Name] & " " &
tblAtlantic.[MCC code] AS Merchant, Left(tblAtlantic![Posting Date],4) &
& Mid(tblAtlantic![Posting Date],5,2) & "/" & Right(tblAtlantic![Posting
Date],2) AS [Formatted Posting Date], tblAtlantic.[Gross Amount],
tblAtlantic.[National Tax], tblAtlantic.[Net Amount],
Date],4) & "/" & Mid(tblAtlantic![Cycle Date],5,2) & "/" &
Right(tblAtlantic![Cycle Date],2) AS [Formatted cycle Date],
IIf(Left(tblAtlantic.[Gross Amount],1)="-","C","D") AS [Credit Status],
DSum(tblAtlantic.[Gross Amount],"tblAtlantic",[Credit Status]='C') AS
Credits], DSum(tblAtlantic.[Gross Amount],"tblAtlantic",[Credit
AS [Total Debits]
FROM tblAtlantic;

I am using this query for a report and on my report I need two separate
totals for credits and debits. Any help will greatly appreciated. Thanks.


Carl Rapson said:
Credits = DSum("Amount", "MyTable","AnotherField='C'")
Debits = DSum("Amount","MyTable","AnotherField='D'")

Note the single quotes around the C and D in the third parameter. Be sure
use you own field and table names.

Carl Rapson

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