can´t enter hours worked in the PWA task timesheet view



this issue is concerning the tracking of task progress in
the PWA. In our company we had reinstalled the Project
Server and after completing this, the old (and preserved)
projects have been saved in the new database. Up to this
everything would work fine but the tracking of task
progress by resources in PWA.

The rows (fields) of their old tasks (that they have been
working on and that have not been completed yet) are grey
and they can not fill in the hours worked. Other task
fields, that have been assigned but had not been filled in
in the past, are white and available for entering the

The method of tracking is set to "Hours of work done per
day or per week" and the Time Period Settings section to
the "Resources should report their hours worked every
day". The projects have been republished so the method of
tracking could take the effect.

Why then the resources can not fill in the hours worked in
their timesheet view? Please advice. Thank you!


perhaps one more detail to add. The only field available
for change in those old (but still valid) tasks is % Work
Complete and of course Remaining work. This leads me to
conlusion that there could have been something omitted
during the setup of PWA or Project Prof. I have been
searching for hours and have not come up with any

Dale Howard [MVP]

Veroniq --

You will need to ask each of your project managers to open every one of
their projects and do the following:

1. Click Tools - Customize - Published Fields
2. Make sure the method of tracking for the project is identical to the
method of tracking you have specified
3. Click OK
4. Click Collaborate - Publish - Republish Assignments
5. Click OK

Doing so will "push" the new method of tracking to each user's timesheet.
Hope this helps.

Dale A. Howard [MVP]
Enterprise Project Trainer/Consultant
Denver, Colorado
"We wrote the book on Project Server"


Thank you, Dale. However, the only way how I was able
to "push" the desired tracking method, I had to delete all
the projects from the Pj server database and save&publish
them again. That way the projects "took into account" the
tracking method that had been set before.
And thank you and Gary C. for the book on Project Server,
it is pretty useful!

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