Can I get round OE highlighting my own news posts?


Fergus Cooney

Hello Outlook Folks, [which at this time probably means Hi Sue :)]

I'm very active in the dotnet.languages.vb newsgroup answering
queries, etc.

It's getting to really bug me that OE highlights my own posts for my
attention as I then have to go to the thread, find the post, and either
download it and wait on it for a second (preferred), or right-click and select
mark-as-read. :-(

I do a lot of posts, so I'd like to automate this if I can. Maybe there's
a switch in OE that I don't know about ?

Failing that, can you guide me towards a programmatic solution. It doesn't
look as if OE supports VBA, so I guess an external solution is required - one
that can reach into OE while I'm using it.

Any code snippets in VB.NET or C# would be great. VB6 would be fine. Or
just let me know what Outlook objects/methods I need. I know how to invoke
Outlook, but I don't know how to get it to access new newsgroup headers, or
replicate finding my new posts, downloading them and marking them as read.

Thanks for any help.


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